"A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector, or a loving transparency. A true teacher does not teach you; she does not see you as inherently separate from her, or less than her. She simply reflects back your own inner knowing, and reminds you of the vastness of your being. She is a mirror, a signpost. And love is the space in which all of this is possible; love heals, and we learn best in a loving field, no threat of failure, no punishment."

- Jeff Foster

It is my life's work to help myself and others discover the innate healer that resides within. Through wholistic healing methods - which take us to the root of our imbalances and dis-ease via many avenues and traditions - we will work together towards deep healing. Once we've found the roots of imbalance or unhappiness, I assist people in a courageous inward looking; to empower you to find your way back to health, alignment, and joy through simple, attainable shifts in perspective and commitments to daily self love. 

I have been moved by the depths of humanity through my personal experiences with grief, trauma, and loss, alongside the equal and opposite energies of lightness, awakening, clarity and joy. I have witnessed the miracles and messiness of life in attending and supporting close beloveds in death and witnessing the miracle of birth. I have studied and experienced many healing traditions and I continue to work on my own wounds through wise counsel, yoga, ceremony, herbal medicine, curiosity, deep listening, and through a life lived authentically. I am a believer in the vast goodness and beauty of the human spirit. I have learned to open myself to all of what life offers and it is my calling to help others do the same. I believe that all of us are inherently good, sometimes we just need a little help remembering our inner gifts and sweetness; we need help reflecting the truth back to each other - that everything can be sacred and it's up to us to find peace with what is. 

Over my last 16 years as a practicing healer, I have been honored to work with many wise hearts - shamans, massage therapists, energy healers, herbalists, elders, acupuncturists, doctors, doulas, visionaries, seers, and average humans who are bravely letting life IN, even when it's not easy or pretty. From the depths of my good intentions I offer intuitive guidance, tarot readings, herbal medicine consults and treatments, energetic healing, therapeutic bodywork and yoga sessions. Together - we work to heal the tap roots; we work together to remember our truth. 

To further work towards living your yoga nature and enjoying a richly nourished life, we offer sacred healing experiences and ceremonies throughout the year in collaboration with other mystic/artist/healers from around the globe. Offerings such as:   therapeutic yoga classes and workshops, restorative sound healing experiences, farm to table meals, yogic adventures, pregnancy education & support, healing with medicinal herbs workshops, and women's healing groups. 

I would be deeply honored to hold space and assist in your healing journey.  Let me know how I can be of service.

In love & light ~ 


massage therapist • yoga teacher • community herbalist • doula • intuitive guide


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